Required Business Account Documentation
Let’s get started on what you’ll need to open a business account!

Sole Proprietorship
- Social Security Number of owner (If using EIN, provide IRS letter CP 575)
- Washington Businesses – Business License; and Registered and active with Department of Revenue
- Oregon Businesses – registered and Active ABN with Oregon Secretary of State
Limited Liability Company
- IRS letter CP 575 granting EIN (Single Member LLC may use Social Security Number)
- Operating Agreement (Not required if Single Member LLC or PLLC)
- Meeting minutes if member authority is not defined in the Operating Agreement
- Washington Businesses – Business License; and Registered and active with Department of Revenue
- Oregon and Washington Businesses – Registered and Active with Secretary of State
- IRS letter CP 575 granting EIN
- Partnership Agreement; and if applicable any amendments since origination
- Meeting minutes if partner authority is not defined in partnership agreement
- Washington Businesses – Business License; and Registered and active with Department of Revenue
- Oregon and Washington Businesses – Registered and Active with Secretary of State
- IRS letter CP 575 granting EIN
- Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, and any amendments since origination if applicable
- Meeting minutes or Corporate Resolution if officer authority is not defined in above documentation
- Washington Businesses – Business License; and Registered and active with Department of Revenue
- Oregon and Washington Businesses – Registered and Active with Secretary of State
Nonprofit Corporation
- IRS letter CP 575 granting EIN
- IRS letter awarding 501(c)(3) status, if applicable
- Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, and any amendments since origination if applicable
- Meeting minutes or Corporate Resolution if officer authority is not defined in the above documentation
- Oregon and Washington Businesses – Registered and active with Secretary of State
Informal Club / Organization (not registered with Secretary of State)
- IRS letter CP 575 granting EIN
- Meeting Minutes that include – Date of meeting, Attendees (include their positions if applicable), Club approval to open account at Red Canoe, Club agreement on the signers for the account, and must be signed.