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Money Basics

How Your Paycheck Adds Up

Do you ever wonder how your hourly wage or your yearly salary translates to the dollar amount on your paycheck? Check out this installment of It’s a Money Thing to learn how different taxes and withholdings affect your take-home pay and what that means for your pocketbook.

The Wall Street Bull

Stock market trends have long been described as “bear” markets or “bull” markets. But only one of these has become the defining idea of the American Stock Exchange – the Charging Bull of Lower Manhattan. Here are some interesting facts about the history of the Charging Bull statue that has stood watch over the Financial District for more than three decades.

Tips for Saving on Groceries

We’ve come a long way from clipping coupons from the Sunday paper when it comes to saving on groceries. While paper coupons are still a great way to save money on your grocery bill, there are plenty of ways to lower your total by time you checkout.

Understanding Insurance Policies

Insurance coverage can be tricky to shop for, because it requires making specific financial decisions about some hazy and unpredictable concepts. Understanding what insurance is – and what it isn’t – can help you decide what kind of insurance is right for you.

Inflation Effects and How to Counter Them

There’s a lot more to understanding inflation than figuring out how the cost of a burger can rise from $0.25 to $2.50 in just a few decades. Understanding inflation can help you make smart choices about where and how to save your money, too!

What You Should Know About Checks

Checkbooks can sometimes seem like an obscure relic from a distant financial past that are obsolete in today’s digital marketplace. But understanding your checkbook can help you understand your checking account, how to manage your money, and how to avoid overdraft fees.

Choosing Your Financial Institution

Opening an account with a financial institution is an important decision. Do you know which option is best for you?

Where Do You Get Money Advice?

How did you decide where to open your first bank account? Where did you learn to budget or pay bills? If you have a money question now, what do you do? Who do you turn to?

Emergency Fund Boot Camp

Emergency funds are important, because life happens. If you’re not prepared, then things can get out of hand real quick. But if emergency funds are so important, then why is it so hard to start saving for one?

Comparing Cards

Think fast: What’s the difference between a credit card, a debit card, and a prepaid debit card? Find out in this helpful article!

Understanding Credit

Overcoming “Credit Card Shyness”

What kind of relationship do you have with your credit card? Are you maxed to the limit? Do you avoid using your card at all costs for fear of falling into debt? Many people fall into one of these categories.

Comparing Cards

Think fast: What’s the difference between a credit card, a debit card, and a prepaid debit card? Find out in this helpful article!

Boosting Your Credit Score

Credit scores are an area of personal finance that seem a lot more mysterious than they actually are. Find out what’s myth and what’s fact when it comes to boosting your credit score!

Credit Score Breakdown

Credit scores can affect everything from your ability to rent an apartment to the interest rate on your credit card. Do you know your credit score breakdown?

Saving Tips

Budgeting with 50/30/20

Building a budget might seem like a daunting task if you don’t know how to get started. Here’s a step-by-step guide to breaking down your spending into needs, wants, and savings goals so you can build a better budget!

Paying Yourself First

If you’re like most people, then feeding your savings account isn’t at the top of your to-do list. Oh, it’s on the list, but it falls below more important things like cutting your rent check or paying your recent medical bill. Believe it or not, paying yourself first is a great way improve your financial well-being while helping you reach your long-term goals more easily.

Saving for Retirement

Saving for retirement is an important part of life, and the sooner you start saving the better. Check out some traditional savings strategies and learn about other strategies that can help you achieve your retirement goals!

The Psychology of Budgeting

Budgeting is no easy task, especially when you start thinking of your spending habits as “good” or “bad.” Believe it or not, the way that you think about your spending can have a big impact on your spending habits. Find out how to use psychology of budgeting to meet your goals!

Long-Term Savings Strategies

When it comes to investing, it can be hard to tell fact from fiction. Are some people just lucky, or is there a science behind investing? And how do you decide where to invest your money when starting your own portfolio?

Emergency Fund Boot Camp

Emergency funds are important, because life happens. If you’re not prepared, then things can get out of hand real quick. But if emergency funds are so important, then why is it so hard to start saving for one?

Compound Interest Mind Bend

In case you haven’t heard, compound interest is the best. Over time, it can turn your savings – no matter how small – into more money! Find out why it pays to start saving now when it comes to compound interest.

Why We Invest & How We Do It

When it comes to investing, it can be hard to tell fact from fiction. Are some people just lucky, or is there a science behind investing? And how do you decide where to invest your money when starting your own portfolio?

All About Loans

How to Pay Down Your Debts

Most people have some sort of debt in their life. Whether it’s a home loan or a credit card balance, repaying your debts can sometimes seem like climbing a snowy mountain. Here are some things to do – and some things to avoid – when paying down your debts, and different Debt Repayment Strategies that you can use to help you shrink your debt more quickly.

Overcoming “Credit Card Shyness”

What kind of relationship do you have with your credit card? Are you maxed to the limit? Do you avoid using your card at all costs for fear of falling into debt? Many people fall into one of these categories. Understanding what credit is and how to use it can go a long way when it finally comes time to take out your first card or start building your credit.

Student Loans and College Costs

Paying for college is a reality that can weigh heavily on the mind of any high school student. Understanding all the different ways that you can reduce the cost of your tuition is just as important as understanding student loans.

Are You Ready for Home Ownership?

Becoming a home owner is probably one of the biggest financial decisions you’ll ever make. Here are some questions that will help you decide if you’re ready for the commitment.

Beware of Fast Cash

If you’ve ever watched a commercial or seen an ad that enthusiastically shouts about “fast cash,” then chances are you’ve already seen predatory lending in action. It’s great to recognize a payday loan scheme for what it is, but understanding how to avoid the debt trap in the first place can keep you from becoming a target for loan sharks in the first place.

Finding the Loan That’s Right for You

Finding the loan that’s right for you can be a tricky process. Understanding what kinds of loans are available is a good foundation when shopping for loans, but what else should you know when you’re serious about getting a loan? Find out in this exciting installment of It’s a Money Thing: Loan Basics!

To Lease or to Finance

When it comes to buying a new car, you have three options: purchasing it with cash, purchasing it through a loan (also known as financing), or leasing it. For most shoppers, the decision comes down to buying or leasing.


The Rise of the Internet Scam

If you’ve ever received a robocall revealing you’re the winner of some fabulous prize or opened an email with a plea for help from an exiled Nigerian prince, then you have been the target of a scam. As scammers evolve with technology, fraud can take new and unexpected forms. But aside from staying alert to common scams, there are other similarities that can help you identify red flags before you become a victim.

What Documents Should I Keep?

Receipts, contracts, warranties, tax returns… There’s no end to the kinds of documents that can pile up as you make your way through adulthood. Knowing what to keep – and for how long – can help you demolish a mountain of unnecessary paperwork.

5 Identity Theft Jackpots

We all know that identity theft happens. The good news is there are tons of things you can do to deter identity thieves on the prowl for victims.


Writing a Business Plan

Whether you’re in the launch phase, the idea phase, or the growth phase, it’s always a good time to write a business plan when you’re looking to move from idea to action.

Budgeting with 50/30/20

Building a budget might seem like a daunting task if you don’t know how to get started. Here’s a step-by-step guide to breaking down your spending into needs, wants, and savings goals so you can build a better budget!

Owning vs. Renting a Home

Do you know the benefits and challenges of renting or owning a home? Here’s some great info to check out before you start the house hunt.

Scholarship Application Time Savers

Saving on tuition before heading to college can help you come out ahead when you graduate, rather than drowning in debt. Scholarships are basically free money that you can put towards your education. And the more you apply for, the better. Here are some helpful tips to help you save time on scholarship apps.

How to Pay Down Your Debts

Most people have some sort of debt in their life. Whether it’s a home loan or a credit card balance, repaying your debts can sometimes seem like climbing a snowy mountain. Here are some things to do – and some things to avoid – when paying down your debts, and different Debt Repayment Strategies that you can use to help you shrink your debt more quickly.

Paying Yourself First

If you’re like most people, then feeding your savings account isn’t at the top of your to-do list. Oh, it’s on the list, but it falls below more important things like cutting your rent check or paying your recent medical bill. Believe it or not, paying yourself first is a great way improve your financial well-being while helping you reach your long-term goals more easily.

Overcoming “Credit Card Shyness”

What kind of relationship do you have with your credit card? Are you maxed to the limit? Do you avoid using your card at all costs for fear of falling into debt? Many people fall into one of these categories. Understanding what credit is and how to use it can go a long way when it finally comes time to take out your first card or start building your credit.

Free Ways to Support Local

Do you love where you live? Where you work? If so, a great way to show it is by contributing to your local economy. There are tons of ways to help your community thrive that don’t involve signing a donation check or starting a small business. It can be as simple as writing an online review or banking with a Credit Union!

Tips for Tracking Down Your Dream Career

What should you do after high school? Work or college? How do know which path will take you where you want to go? Sometimes, exploring the different career options that interest you can help you answer this question. But how exactly do you decide what kind of career you’re interested in?

How Your Paycheck Adds Up

Do you ever wonder how your hourly wage or your yearly salary translates to the dollar amount on your paycheck? Check out this installment of It’s a Money Thing to learn how different taxes and withholdings affect your take-home pay and what that means for your pocketbook.